Blue Bloods Wiki

Thomas Kent is a Sergeant in the New York City Police Department. He serves at the 65th Precinct.


Season 5[]

New Rules[]


Season 7[]

In and Out[]



Citation Bars
Breast Bar 18
American Flag Breast Bar

Breast Bar 17
World Trade Center Breast Bar

Breast Bar 8
Meritorious Police Duty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 7
Excellent Police Duty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 24
Firearms Proficiency Bar


To edit this gallery, go to Thomas Kent/Gallery.
To review image policies, go to Media Guidelines.

Thomas Kent/Gallery


Season Five
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
"Forgive and Forget"
Episode 3:
"Burning Bridges"
Episode 4:
"Excessive Force"
Episode 5:
"Loose Lips"
Episode 6:
"Most Wanted"
Episode 7:
"Shoot the Messenger"
Episode 8:
"Power of the Press"
Episode 9:
"Under the Gun"
Episode 10:
"Sins of the Father"
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
"Home Sweet Home"
Episode 13:
"Love Stories"
Episode 14:
"The Poor Door"
Episode 15:
"Power Players"
Episode 16:
"In The Box"
Episode 17:
"Occupational Hazards"
Episode 18:
"Bad Company"
Episode 19:
"Through the Looking Glass"
Episode 20:
Episode 21:
"New Rules"
Episode 22:
"The Art of War"

Notes & Trivia[]

  • As of S5 E21, he has 2 Blue Stripes, indicating that he has been with the Department for 10 - 15 years.
    • Which is somewhere between; 2000 - 2005.
  • Shield Number: 0888

