Blue Bloods Wiki

"The One That Got Away" is the thirteenth episode of the seventh season of Blue Bloods.


When diplomatic immunity complicates a child abuse case for Danny and Baez, Frank intervenes, despite not having jurisdiction on the case. Also, a robbery occurs while Eddie and Jamie are on a double date with Eddie’s boyfriend and his sister, and they are forced to step in. Meanwhile, Angela Ferraro, Joe's old girlfriend, returns with news she's getting married and invites the Reagans, which gives Frank suspicions.


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Cast & Characters

In credits order


Also Starring

Guest Starring


  • Kate Boyer as Michele
  • Jocelyn Bioh as Tanya Barnes
  • Craig DiFrancia as Chris Maldonado
  • Ben Rezendes as Andrew
  • Beau Baxter as David Cohen
  • James L. Lorenzo as Darren Macintyre
  • Maren Lord as Female Patron
  • Christian Barber as Uniform



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Notes & Trivia


Season 7 Episodes
"The Greater Good" "Good Cop Bad Cop" "The Price of Justice" "Mob Rules" "For the Community" "Whistleblowers" "Guilt by Association" "Personal Business" "Confessions" "Unbearable Loss" "Genetics" "Not Fade Away" "The One That Got Away" "In and Out" "Lost Souls" "Hard Bargain" "Shadow of a Doubt" "A Deep Blue Goodbye" "Love Lost" "No Retreat, No Surrender" "Foreign Interference" "The Thin Blue Line"