Blue Bloods Wiki

Sonny Malevsky was a Detective in the New York City Police Department. He was part of the Warrant Squad assigned to the 12th Precinct.


Sonny Malevsky was the leader of a criminal fraternal organization known as the Blue Templar. Malevsky murdered Francis Reagan's son, Joseph Reagan as he was investigating the Blue Templar's criminal activities. Malevsky committed suicide after being arrested by Commissioner Reagan. Years after his death, it is discovered that his son Mike changed his name from Malevsky to McPhadden in order to become a police officer and make up for the wrongs his father committed. And while Frank considered taking his badge, he ended up deciding to just discipline Mike but allowing him to remain a cop. This decision was made with the help of his grandson Joe Hill, Joe's son, who met with Mike and showed Frank that Mike was also a victim of his father. It is also revealed that despite all the evidence Sonny's widow still refuses to believe her late husband's guilt and is convinced that he was set up, despite Mike's attempts to show her otherwise.


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Notes & Trivia[]

  • His son mentions that Sonny and his grandfather were the only Malevsky's left in the family after the rest changed their surname to McPhadden to sound more American.


Season One
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
"Officer Down"
Episode 5:
"What You See"
Episode 6:
"Smack Attack"
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
"After Hours"
Episode 11:
"Little Fish"
Episode 12:
"Family Ties"
Episode 13:
"Hall of Mirrors"
Episode 14:
"My Funny Valentine"
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
"Age of Innocence"
Episode 17:
"Silver Star"
Episode 18:
"To Tell the Truth"
Episode 19:
"Model Behavior"
Episode 20:
"All That Glitters"
Episode 21:
"Cellar Boy"
Episode 22:
"The Blue Templar"

