Blue Bloods Wiki

"Samaritan" is the second episode of the first season of Blue Bloods.  


When a good Samaritan intervenes during a subway robbery and kills one of the robbers, Danny Reagan and Ava Hotchkiss investigate to find both the Samaritan and the gang leader, Handsome.

When the Samaritan winds up in custody, in part due to Frank Reagan's input, the family debates the consequences of his actions.

Sergeant Anthony Renzulli continues to train Jamie Reagan, using Danny's actions as a learning experience and Jamie considers helping the FBI pick up his brother Joe Reagan's investigation into the Blue Templar.


A group enters the subway and one of them pulls out his phone and hits record. The gang leader, Handsome, pulls out his gun and starts robbing everyone on the train. Everyone on the train gets attack by the gang and then a shot rung out as screams echoed throughout the train.

Danny Reagan tries to assemble a toy car for his son birthday at his father, Frank Reagan's, house when his sister Erin walks in. Erin ask her father if she can talk to him. Erin dealing with her daughter going to San Francisco with her father her ex. Frank gets a call and has to leave and soon Danny gets a call as well. Jamie Reagan gets up and leaves having to work his shift leaving Henry Reagan to try and assemble the toy car.

Danny arrives at the subway and walked though the crime scene by a fellow detective. Explains what happened on the subway and that they are still looking for the perps. He leaves the subway and Jamie calls out his name. Danny gets a ride from Jamie and his boss Anthony Renzulli down to the two train to look for the preps. He gets out of the car when Jamie and Renzulli follows after them and stops when they come upon someone, Lee, sitting on a bench. Danny pulls back the hood to find a one of the gang members dead on the bench and none of the other members to be found.

Frank Reagan arrives at office to get debrief on the gang robbery on the train by his staff. Franks tells his staff to increase patrols and officers at trains and on Handsome mother's house. Danny walking around the police station getting interviews from witnesses. He talks to Denise Lee's cousin about the robbery and Handsome. Denise leaves the precinct as Danny tells her to call him when she decides to speak up for Lee.

Erin and Jamie getting coffee at a stand outside a court building. Jamie tells Erin that he saw his first dead body and that Danny showed it to him. Erin ask about him and Sydney and Jamie tells her he threw her a curve ball. Erin explains what does she know since she divorcing her ex-husband and Jamie tells Erin that her ex had everyone fooled well mostly him.

Danny and a fellow detective meeting with sergeant about the case. His fellow detective ask for more bodies but sergeant explains that Danny is more than she will need. Frank look at video from the robbery in his command center with Baker. Danny watches the video from his precinct and Detective Hotchkiss interviews a witness who saw shooting. The witness points out the shooter on video.

Frank Reagan is in his command center looking at video of the Samaritan shooter. He tells his staff to get his picture out there to the press and to shut down the video so Handsome doesn't get anymore time on camera. Danny sitting across from Hotchkiss as sergeant walks into the room and tells them to look at tv where Samaritan shooter is doing an interview with tv reporter. Sergeant tells Danny and Hotchkiss to go get him before neighborhood shows up.

Frank calls Kelly Davidson about her interview. Danny and Hotchkiss interview Oliver the Samaritan shooter about the shooting. Talk to sergeant who tells Hotchkiss to get back to the robbery case and Danny to process Oliver. A officer comes in and tells Danny a kid outside waiting for him. He goes outside to see Denise. She explains why Lee was with Handsome in the first place and where to find where Handsome crew is. Danny and Hotchkiss break into the gang place as some of the gang run away from them. They arrest the gang members but didn't find Handsome.

Danny and Hotchkiss interview Dante, one of Handsome's gang members. Dante tells them that he's not going to rat out on Handsome.

The Reagan's are having dinner and talk about the laws of carrying a gun. Danny walks in to get food as Linda ask Erin about Nicky in San Francisco with her ex. Henry brings the conversation back to the laws of guns. Danny brings his plate to the kitchen where he talks to Erin about mercy for Oliver. Erin tells him that laws will work this thing out as Frank walks into the kitchen. Danny tells him his new assignment feels like favoritism but Frank tells him he wanted him in motor pool but his chief detective put him in major crimes.

Frank watches video that Handsome sent to Kelly Davidson. Kelly ask to be there for the arrest of handsome and will not release the video for 24 hours but Frank tells her that it's not much of a deal. Frank tells her no but she gives him a flash drive and tells that him that she already recorded her exclusive and to have a look to see if it will change his mind. He tells his staff to have officers on the trains where Handsome would most likely hit.

Jamie and Renzulli get out car and head to subway. Renzulli tells Jamie that Danny a great detective that he has bad habits and doesn't want him to be like him but try to be more like his father. Erin walks out of her office to find her father, Frank standing in the hallway waiting for her. Erin tells him she going out for drinks because she doesn't want to go home alone. Frank hands her a letter that he found that Erin wrote for her mother that reminds her about Nicky.

Hotchkiss arrives at detention center to see Oliver to look at some photos. Alarms go off and Oliver on a stretcher as one officer tells someone to call a bus because Oliver's been stabbed in the stomach. He wakes up in hospital as Danny and Hotchkiss interview him. Hotchkiss tells Oliver that they arrange for protective detention and Oliver ask for how long. Danny ask him is there anything he remembers to which Oliver tells him that Handsome didn't get on the train. Hotchkiss and Danny go over the subway map to find where Handsome will hit.

Danny gets off train to find Handsome waiting. Handsome runs away from him and Danny chases after him. Danny shoves him into a wall and arrest him as officers come to help him. Frank and Kelly sitting together in a apartment as there phones buzzing seeing if the other one has to leave. Frank conflicted about the relationship but Kelly convince him that the relationship won't interfere with each others work.

Jamie meets Agent Anderson to talk about Blue Templar. He explains to Anderson that he's a rookie and that he can't go up against other cops on a conspiracy. Anderson tells him that she wants Jamie to find his brother, Joe's real killer. Erin finds Danny looking out at the water and he tells her that this case doesn't feel like a win. Erin ask because of Oliver Young and Danny tells her that his one choice changed his life forever. Erin tells Danny that Oliver Young is seen as a martyr and that he's not going to jail instead has probation.

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Facts and Trivia

  • The DVD contains deleted scenes for this episode.


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Season 1 Episodes
"Pilot" "Samaritan" "Privilege" "Officer Down" "What You See" "Smack Attack" "Brothers" "Chinatown" "Re-Do" "After Hours" "Little Fish" "Family Ties" "Hall of Mirrors" "My Funny Valentine" "Dedication" "Age of Innocence" "Silver Star" "To Tell the Truth" "Model Behavior" "All That Glitters" "Cellar Boy" "The Blue Templar"