Blue Bloods Wiki

Robert Espinoza is a Captain in the New York City Police Department. He was the Commanding Officer of the 29th Precinct.

Trivia & Notes[]

  • As of S12 E11 (Dated: January 2022), It is shown that Robert Espinoza has 4 Blue Stripes, indicating that he has 20 Years of Services.
    • With this fact, he more than likely joined the NYPD between (2000 - 2005).


Citation Bars
Breast Bar 18
American Flag Breast Bar

Breast Bar 17
World Trade Center Breast Bar

Breast Bar 13
Integrity Breast Bar

Breast Bar 8
Meritorious Police Duty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 7
Excellent Police Duty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 23
Firearms Proficiency Bar

