Blue Bloods Wiki

"Officer Down" is the fourth episode of the first season of Blue Bloods.  


When an officer out to meal comes across a diamond heist, she engages the thieves only to be killed in a shoot-out. The NYPD goes all out as Danny and his new partner, Detective Jackie Curatola, seek out the perpetrators. Even Henry steps in, attempting to help by seeing an old rival who is connected to one of the diamond heist crew. Throughout the ordeal the Reagan's can't help but be reminded of Joe.


Detailed recap of the episode which contains MAJOR SPOILERS.
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Cast & Characters


Special Guest Star

Guest Starring


Notes & Trivia

  • Officer Down and What You See appear to have been aired, and subsequently numbered, out of order as Detective Hotchkiss appears in What You See but Detective Curatola was Danny's new partner as of Officer Down.
  • The DVD contains deleted scenes for this episode.


Photos & Videos

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Season 1 Episodes
"Pilot" "Samaritan" "Privilege" "Officer Down" "What You See" "Smack Attack" "Brothers" "Chinatown" "Re-Do" "After Hours" "Little Fish" "Family Ties" "Hall of Mirrors" "My Funny Valentine" "Dedication" "Age of Innocence" "Silver Star" "To Tell the Truth" "Model Behavior" "All That Glitters" "Cellar Boy" "The Blue Templar"