Blue Bloods Wiki

"Meet the New Boss" is the second episode of the Season Nine of Blue Bloods.


Gormley looks to Danny and Baez for help tracking down a former NYPD detective he believes may be a threat to Frank’s safety.

Also, Erin navigates office politics when she chooses to reopen a closed case; Jamie is transferred to a new precinct with a lot of problems; and Frank and Baker team up to investigate a complaint about an SVU detective.


Detailed recap of the episode which contains MAJOR SPOILERS.
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Cast & Characters


Also Starring

Guest Starring


  • Maxwell Whittington-Cooper as Officer Jordan
  • Mhari Sandoval as Amy Bell
  • James Nuciforo as Nuciforo
  • Jordon Bolden as Ronnie Diaz
  • Guyviaud Joseph as Uniform
  • Mark Dancewicz as Officer #1
  • Zander Meisner as Officer #2
  • Rick Zahn as Frank Look-a-Like


Photos & Videos

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Season 9 Gallery

Notes & Trivia


Season 9 Episodes
"Playing With Fire" "Meet the New Boss" "Mind Games" "Blackout" "Thicker Than Water" "Trust" "By Hook Or By Crook" "Stirring the Pot" "Handcuffs" "Authority Figures" "Disrupted" "Milestones" "Ripple Effect" "My Brother's Keeper" "Blues" "Past Tense" "Two-Faced" "Rectify" "Common Enemies" "Strange Bedfellows" "Identity" "Something Blue"