Blue Bloods Wiki

Mary Margaret Reagan (née Conor) was the wife of Francis Xavier Reagan, and the mother of their children: Daniel Reagan, Erin Reagan, Joseph Reagan, and Jameson Reagan. She was the grandmother of Joseph Hill, Nicole Reagan-Boyle, Jack Reagan, and Sean Reagan.


She was the mother of Danny, Erin, Joe, and Jamie Reagan, and the grandmother of Joe Hill, Nicky Reagan-Boyle, and Jack and Sean Reagan. She was the President of the Children's Fund before she died, a position Erin later accepted.

While she claimed to dislike Valentine's Day she kept every Valentine's Day card that Frank ever got her.


Typically mentioned during family dinners.



Married to Francis Xavier Reagan.

Involved Shootings[]



To edit this gallery, go to Mary Margaret Reagan/Gallery.
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Mary Margaret Reagan/Gallery

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Her son Joseph's middle name is her maiden name, Conor.


Season Three
Episode 1:
"Family Business"
Episode 2:
"Domestic Disturbance"
Episode 3:
"Old Wounds"
Episode 4:
"Scorched Earth"
Episode 5:
"Risk and Reward"
Episode 6:
"Greener Grass"
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
"Higher Education"
Episode 9:
"Secrets and Lies"
Episode 10:
"Fathers and Sons"
Episode 11:
"Front Page News"
Episode 12:
Episode 13:
"Inside Jobs"
Episode 14:
"Men in Black"
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
"Quid Pro Quo"
Episode 17:
"Protest Too Much"
Episode 18:
"No Regrets"
Episode 19:
"Loss of Faith"
Episode 20:
"Ends and Means"
Episode 21:
"Devil's Breath"
Episode 22:
"The Bitter End"
Episode 23:
"This Way Out"


  1. 1.0 1.1 Season 3, Episode 10: "Fathers and Sons"