Leo Stutz is the younger half-brother of DA Investigator Anthony Abetemarco. He first appeared in Past Tense.
It was previously established Anthony was an only child, with his father having left when he was very young. At some point, his father had a fling with Leo's mother, who owed him a debt and paid it off with sex. Leo was born a few years later. Leo was aware of his older half-brother Anthony, who lived not too far from him and would always hang around him, with the latter telling him to get lost and labeling him "Leo the leech" and being unaware of their relation.
He debuted in Past Tense, where he comes to Anthony for help. At first, Anthony didn't believe Leo when he said he was his half-brother, until he recalled their time as children and Leo revealed he needed help taking down a mob boss. Erin later revealed he was actually an enforcer for the mob. he helped Anthony and Erin put away.
During Behind the Smile, Leo is blackmailed again to take down another, Criminal. Like before, Anthony wanted no part in it, But his Friend Erin Reagan Reminded him about all the times he reminder her that Family is important, and that you can only have family once, with that Anthony decided to help Leo.
In his last Appearance Season 12 Episode 17 Hidden Motive, Anthony was approached by Mario Vangelis, who tells Anthony his Brother Leo Came to him for a Job, Anthony didn't Believe a word. Anthony then went to see his brother, Leo Kept telling Anthony he hadn't asked Vangelis for a Job, a little while later we see, some walking in a Woman, possibly in her late 30s to Early 40s. It is relived that She is Leo's Girl, but she or he has no ring so his Girlfriend, when she turns to face Leo, It's Relived that she is Pregnant, Anthony shocked by this, then asks Leo, that's why he needed the money, he then tells Anthony It's twins. so, Anthony tries his Hardest to find Leo a better job, but was Unsuccessful, that's When Leo's Girl Amber goes into labor, at the hospital Erin comes in and she runs into Mario how says he's paying for everyone in the Maternity ward. after Mario left Erin asks Anthony if it was Worth it, as she sees Leo and Amber both holding a baby, Anthony says yes.
Season Nine | ||||
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Episode 12: |
Episode 13: |
Episode 14: |
Episode 15: |
Episode 16: "Past Tense" |
Episode 17: |
Episode 18: |
Episode 19: |
Episode 20: |
Episode 21: |
Episode 22: |
Season Ten | ||||
Episode 1: |
Episode 2: |
Episode 3: "Behind the Smile" |
Episode 4: |
Episode 5: |
Episode 6: |
Episode 7: |
Episode 8: |
Episode 9: |
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Episode 11: |
Episode 12: |
Episode 13: |
Episode 14: |
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Episode 17: |
Episode 18: |
Episode 19: |
Season Twelve | ||||
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Episode 9: |
Episode 10: |
Episode 11: |
Episode 12: |
Episode 13: |
Episode 14: |
Episode 15: |
Episode 16: |
Episode 17: "Hidden Motive" |
Episode 18: |
Episode 19: |
Episode 20: |