- Danny Regan. Detective Farrow Worked Briefly with Detective 1st grade Danny Reagan, In season 11 Episode 7 In Too Deep When Danny's Neighbor Sal got shot, by another neighbor Joel, who shot him out of Revenge for sleeping with his wife Dawn, Joel Drove a 2018 Red Lamborghini Huracan Coupe, Which Detective Farrow Mistake it for a late model Lamborghini Huracan Spider. Danny Didn't want to give up the case to Detective Farrow, but his Lieutenant Mike Gee order him too seeing as it wasn't in his precinct. The case is in Staten Island, the 120th precinct. Danny works in the 54th Precinct, But Danny wasn't going to just leave it be, he continues to work the case, going to the hospital were his Neighbor, Sal is and questions him, eventually getting caught by Detective Judy Farrow, he tries to play it off as he's just visiting his neighbor, but Scott, Sal's son said "Well, he's actually grilling his neighbor, as if my dad did something wrong." Detective Farrow, then tells Danny he needs to leave, a nurse later says to Danny and Farrow "Folks Can you keep it down", Danny then Smugly tells Farrow "You really should keep it down while he's trying to rest." says bye to Sal and leaves, Mike Gee then starts grilling Danny for trying to work the case, Danny's Partner Maria Baez then tell Danny his as a way of Steamrolling everyone, Danny then goes to apologize to Farrow, which she was looking for another shoe, cause there is always another shoe with Danny, but Danny says not this time, and tells farrow that he has a way of steamrolling that's his MO. Finally, Danny gets what he wanted to work with Farrow, she offers to have him go with her to his neighbor Joel's house, Danny Shocked by that comment of tagging along with Farrow says. "You want me to join you on the case?" Farrow then Tells Danny "Familiar face might put him at ease or keep him off guard." Danny says, "Sounds like a lot of fun, but the boss would kill me, so..." Farrow explains to Danny she talked to Lieutenant Gee, that's when they started working together. Danny and Farrow went to his Neighbor Joel's House. But he wasn't there, only his wife Dawn, she sounded scared trying to change the subject asking both Danny and Farrow if they wanted a Drink, then offers Danny a Beer. Danny says no. that's when Dawn admits she was the one who shot Sal, but says she wasn't in the car or didn't have her hand on the trigger either, and it's her fault all her fault, that's when Danny, asks if her and Sal. Dawn then Explains everything, later Danny and Farrow, arrest Joel, then we see Scott, walking up with a bat yelling "He's not going anywhere till I get a peice of him" then you hear Whoa, Whoa. Whoa! Farrow tell Danny "I got this" Walking up to Scott, Scott Yells "He Shot my dad" Then Farrow takes Scott down Putting him on the ground tell him that Joel is under arrest and asks if he wants a piece of that too, Scott says "No" and farrow tells him to get out of there now. Danny Then says to Farrow. "Wow. Remind me never to Cross you again." Farrow asks Danny, "Is the a Compliment?" Danny replies "Actually, it was."
Judy Farrow is a Detective in the New York City Police Department.