Blue Bloods Wiki

James McCarthy was a Lieutenant in the New York City Police Department. He served at the Midtown South Precinct.


Lieutenant McCarthy was involved in an incident where he ordered an emotionally disturbed person to be tasered to subdue them for arrest. However when the suspect was tasered, they fell into incoming traffic and were hit by a vehicle. Lieutenant McCarthy did not order the traffic to be stopped. Due to increasing pressure from the Mayor's Office, media and his own guilt, Lieutenant McCarthy drove under the influence. As a result of this action, he was involved in an accident. Later at a press briefing in One Police Plaza, Lieutenant McCarthy was declared to be in critical condition with injuries to his head, neck and spine.


Citation Bars
Breast Bar 18
American Flag Breast Bar

Breast Bar 17
World Trade Center Breast Bar

Breast Bar 2
Combat Cross Breast Bar

Breast Bar 13
Integrity Breast Bar

Breast Bar 8
Meritorious Police Duty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 7
Excellent Police Duty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 25
Unit Citation Breast Bar

Breast Bar 14
150th Commemorative Breast Bar

Breast Bar 15
1986 Liberty Breast Bar

Breast Bar 23
Firearms Proficiency Bar


To edit this gallery, go to James McCarthy/Gallery.
To review image policies, go to Media Guidelines.

James McCarthy/Gallery


Season Five
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
"Forgive and Forget"
Episode 3:
"Burning Bridges"
Episode 4:
"Excessive Force"
Episode 5:
"Loose Lips"
Episode 6:
"Most Wanted"
Episode 7:
"Shoot the Messenger"
Episode 8:
"Power of the Press"
Episode 9:
"Under the Gun"
Episode 10:
"Sins of the Father"
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
"Home Sweet Home"
Episode 13:
"Love Stories"
Episode 14:
"The Poor Door"
Episode 15:
"Power Players"
Episode 16:
"In The Box"
Episode 17:
"Occupational Hazards"
Episode 18:
"Bad Company"
Episode 19:
"Through the Looking Glass"
Episode 20:
Episode 21:
"New Rules"
Episode 22:
"The Art of War"

Notes & Trivia[]

  • He served with the NYPD for 19 Years, (3 Blue Stripes). With this fact he would of joined in 1995.
    • So as of 2020, he would have 25 Years of Service. In uniform, 5 Blue Stripes on his lower left arm sleeve.

