Blue Bloods Wiki

"Good Cop Bad Cop" is the second episode of the seventh season of Blue Bloods.


When an elderly woman appears to have been killed by a stray bullet, Danny and Baez investigate to find who fired the wayward shot.

Meanwhile, Frank faces ridicule from the department when he disciplines a disrespectful Officer for what should have been minor infractions.

Elsewhere, Erin enlists Henry to help Anthony Abetemarco get justice for his mother who was taken advantage of by a con artists, in part due to her Alzheimer's.


Detailed recap of the episode which contains MAJOR SPOILERS.
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Cast & Characters


Also Starring

Guest Starring


  • Michael Barra as Dominick Barbosa
  • James Nuciforo as Nuciforo
  • Christopher Lanceley as Guy
  • Mark McKinnon as Cop
  • Hannah McKechnie as Waitress
  • John Cannon as Uniform
  • Sebastian Coates as Jack's Friend
  • Mia Nuciforo as Jack's Friend #2
  • Morgan Priester as Woop Woop Kid



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Notes & Trivia

  • On Netflix this episode appears as the fourth, but in all other listings it is the second.


Season 7 Episodes
"The Greater Good" "Good Cop Bad Cop" "The Price of Justice" "Mob Rules" "For the Community" "Whistleblowers" "Guilt by Association" "Personal Business" "Confessions" "Unbearable Loss" "Genetics" "Not Fade Away" "The One That Got Away" "In and Out" "Lost Souls" "Hard Bargain" "Shadow of a Doubt" "A Deep Blue Goodbye" "Love Lost" "No Retreat, No Surrender" "Foreign Interference" "The Thin Blue Line"