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"Forgive and Forget" is the second episode of the fifth season of Blue Bloods.


Officer Kara Walsh returns to the 12th precinct and finds herself receiving the cold shoulder from everyone due to the fact that she previously testified against her partner. Eddie agrees with the actions of her fellow officers, but Jamie disagrees and is temporarily assigned as her partner.

Meanwhile, Danny is asked by a grieving family to reopen their daughter's case from eight years prior due to the bullet from then being the delayed cause of her death. When Erin meets with the man who was convicted of the shooting as a juvenile, she hesitates to prosecute because he has managed to turn his life around.

Frank suspects there may be a cover-up when he gets word of an old friend accidentally shooting his partner, yet no breathalyzer was administered.


Detailed recap of the episode which contains MAJOR SPOILERS.

Frank is walking NFL great Boomer Esiason out the door after their meeting. DCPI Garrett Moore alerts him of a situation: a detective has been shot at the South Street Seaport by his partner. When Garrett tells Frank the situation involves someone called Chris Scanlon, the Commissioner is noticeably concerned.

Jamie and Eddie returns to their precinct, and sees officer Kara Walsh, who the previous year testified against her own partner, officer Randy Cutter, on killing a suspect, returning to the 12th precinct. Jamie speculates that Kara's transfer to the 27th precinct was unsuccessful. Eddie blames officer Walsh for not backing up his partner, leading to his firing. When they cross paths, Eddie had unflattering things to say to Kara, and walks away.

Danny and Baez attend the funeral of Isabel Greene, who passed away at the age of 23. Danny recalls her being the victim of a case he never forgot: eight years ago, on her way home from school, Isabel was caught in the middle of a gang hit and shot, and the rest of her life in and out of the hospital. While the shooter, Damon Williams, was tried as a juvenile, and served only three years for assault.

Isabel's father, Marcus, comes over to greet the detectives. Marcus is upset that while his daughter is dead, the shooting is now a free man, and wants justice for it.

On patrol, Jamie is still upset about Eddie's unsympathetic attitude toward Walsh. The other it's sure that the first duty for a cop is backing up his partner, regardless, therefore Walsh deserves far worse than what she's receiving. Jamie makes it clear that, should Eddie ever cross the line, he will act the same as Walsh. Eddie doesn't believe him, saying that, when push to shove he'd do the "right thing". Jamie replies that he would, so she would be on her own.

At DA's office, Danny pushes Erin on re-opening the case of Isabel Green, to persecute Damon Williams. She will try but can't make any promises. He says she's the best and he owes her one.

At 1PP, Chris Scanlon, against his lawyer's advice, has come to speak to Frank. He tells his side story, saying that the firing was only an accident. He pleads Frank to help him, asking only the chance to retire with honor from the job he loves, being four months from retirement, with full pension.

Again, at DA's office, Erin calls Danny and announce that the coroner's office confirmed how, while not being initially life-threatening wounds, it was indeed their long-term results the cause of Isabel Greene's death. She asks Danny to bring Damon Williams to her.

At the Reagans residence, Jamie and Henry are deciding what to give Goodwill when Frank comes home. He asks Jamie how Kara Walsh is doing: Jaime confirms that's not good, the rest of the precinct is angry at her; Henry says she deserves it, not approving cops siding against their colleagues, but Frank says she's done her job, and the one to pay for this should be himself, not her. The other two ask why, so he tells how he convinced her to testify and how he was the one to fire Cutter, not wanting a cop like him in NYPD. Jamie wonders what they can do to help her, but Frank can't do anything apart from transferring her once more, without actually resolving the problem, as the situation will repeat itself in the new location. However, this could be avoided if Jamie keeps backing up for her.

At Erin's home, she just woke up after a romantic night with Bobby. After joking about his law firm's success and when Nicky will ever know him, Bobby reveals that NY's governor asked him to become D.A. ad interim. She's happy but says that this means that they can't be together anymore then, because she can't sleep with her boss.

At lunch, Eddie and Jamie enter a restaurant, with the two of them teasing each other about what they're going to order as usual, when they spot Kara Walsh sit alone at a table. Jamie wants to sit with her, but Eddie refuses and go sitting by herself. He sits with Walsh and reassures her that he doesn't care what the other thinks of her: she did the right thing, and he admires her for it. Kara on the other hand is grateful of him, and knows that she didn't anything wrong, but this is not enough for her to be okay on testifying against Cutter, her partner and best friend.

Searching on the streets, Danny and Baez manage to find Damon Williams, who is speaking with a group of boys. Danny interrupts him and is fast to deduce that now the ex-con is in charge of the block, insulting both it and the guys Damon was talking to, but the latter denies it. Still unconvinced, Danny tells him that Isabel is dead, so they need to talk to him and, not very subtly, tries to provoke him again by playing on his guilt: Damon, however, doesn't respond to the provocation and asks if he's under arrest, to which Danny says no but still suggests him to come with them; Damon complies.

On 12th precinct Eddie calls out for Jamie and asks why she's being partnered with officer Rigetti instead of him. Jamie reveals that he's going to be Walsh's partner for a while. Eddie is everything but happy about this and warns Jamie that he will take with him "that stink", but he doesn't change his mind and goes on patrol with Walsh anyway.

At 1PP Frank storms in Garrett's office and asks for news about Scanlon's accident. Garrett confirms that Scanlon's partner was found to have a blood alcohol content above the legal limit, Scanlon blood level instead was not to be found, probably because, being him a decorated veteran, he was not tested, much to Frank annoyance.

At the DA's office, Damon arrives and Erin warns him that he could be charged for Isabel's death. He expresses deep regret for what he did, acknowledges that it's his fault, but also says that he's reformed since then. Erin points out that Danny found him with some gang members, to which Damon reveals that it's not what it looks like: he's the director of the Garfield Community Center, which has had a big impact on that area, even a recommendation from the NYPD Anti-Gang Unit. Erin finds it admirable, but still, Isabel is dead because of what he did eight years earlier. Damon, however, insists that after being in prison, he turned his life around: he graduated from juvenile hall, went to college and now he's trying to help other kids so they don't make the same mistakes he did and prevent other people from suffer by them, like Isabel did. Erin is deeply moved.

On patrol, Jamie reassures a grateful Walsh about his decision to help her and be her partner, when another 12th precinct officer, officer Reynolds, arrives and defiantly asks him why he's siding with the "enemy", but Jamie refuses to comply and stops the escalating fight between Reynolds and Walsh by asks him to go before it gets bad, to which Reynolds warns Jamie that he's the one who will end bad if he keeps siding with Walsh. Alone again, Jamie dismisses Reynolds as a jerk, and reassures Walsh that whether Reynolds' opinion is shared or not with the other officers, this doesn't mean he's right. Just then, the radio dispatches for a robbery in a pharmacy, to which they go, where they discover that the robbers have with them automatic weapons: they radio for help, but nobody arrives until, much later, Janko and Rigetti arrive and help them arrest the burglars, but Walsh is wounded.

Just before the Sunday dinner, Danny thanks Erin for what she's doing, but she reveals that her bureau chief decided to not press charge and she agrees with him. Danny is furious and then, during the dinner, accuses her in front of the rest of the family of betraying every principles, moving the focus of the discussion, that before was about Jamie and Walsh (in which while Frank was dubious about the long time passed between their call and the arrival of backup, Henry calls normal to be slow at helping a snitch), to whether is possible to truly be reformed thanks to prison. Frank concedes that it's possible, but it's still rare to happen.

That night, Frank, asks Erin to take it easy on Danny, because it's personal for him, but she, exasperated, replies that it's always personal for Danny, but that doesn't give him the right to take it out on her just because things don't go the way he wants. She also reminds Frank how much it's hard for her and all the other attorneys to decide who to prosecute and who not to, but it's their job. He admits it's a grave responsibility; and Erin as well thinks that it's terrible what happened to Isabel Green, but there are no grounds to prosecute Damon Williams and, as Frank points out, even if they were, she’s not sure it would be the right thing to do. Just then, Danny arrives and asks Erin to come along with him, refusing to tell her why. They arrive at Garfield Community Center: Damon Williams has been shot and is being took to the hospital, while in the meantime, in one of the patrol's cars, sits Marcus Green, Isabel's father; the latter refuses to talk, apart from saying that Damon got what he deserved. Danny hopes Erin is happy. Erin is disgusted by his brother behavior and refuses to reply.

At Precinct 12, Jamie confronts Reynolds because the latter's car was the closest one when Jamie and Kara called for help, but he and his partner didn't make it in time. Reynolds excuses himself by saying that their car had engine trouble, but Jamie doesn't buy it since they never notified the precinct, to which the other replies that it must have just jammed then, it happens. Jamie admits it, but then violently grabs Reynolds and slams him into the wall, while Eddie asks the other officers to back off. Jamie angrily points out that if the 1PP ever find out what happened, Reynolds' career is over. Kara Walsh got herself shot saving a fellow officer, so if Reynolds, or any other officer, has a problem with her then they have a problem with Jamie too. The whole precinct goes silent as Reynolds looks on, humiliated.

At 1PP, Garrett is preparing for a briefing and Frank asks him if there are news about Scanlon’s breathanalyzer: Garret replies that it must have been never performed and asks Frank what he's going to do. Frank replies that is clear what he will do, so Garrett reminds him that Scanlon is a friend, so Frank needs to treat him as such.

At the hospital, Erin and Danny visits Damon Williams, wounded but alive. They need his testimony about what happened, as Marcus Green refuses to speak and the weapon is nowhere to be found. Danny is sure Damon is going to press charge, so keeps provoking the latter on his fault, but Erin tells her brother to shut up and gently reminds Damon that it’s not fair for a good man as Marcus Green to have his life ruined for a single mistake: Damon for sure understands it, because he as well made a mistake in the past but got a second chance, so she asks him if he saw who shot him. Damon, moved, replies that he didn’t see anyone, much to Erin's relieve and Danny’s shock. Later at the DA’s office parking, Erin finds flowers on his car. It’s McCoy who left them and waited for her: he understands why she’s reluctant at continue their relationship, but he cares for her and, in the same time, they both know that to become DA is a great occasion. Joking, McCoy propose to immediately demote her the moment he becomes her boss, to which she answers that he just has to try. They kiss.

At the port, Frank and Scanlon chat. The former points out that the latter's partner had his alcohol level over the limit. Scanlon defends his colleague, but Frank points out that when you are on duty you cannot drink. Then, he indirectly admits that he knows Scanlon was probably drunk himself, but since he trusts him, if the latter swears to have been sober when the accident happened, then he will reinstats him and the matter will be closed. Resigned, Scanlon admits that he has a problem with alcohol, because although he loves his family, it's when he's at work that he truly feels to be where he belongs, so the fear of retirement must have driven him into the habit. Frank reassures Scanlon that no mistake will change the good that he, through his service, has done. Crying, Scanlon hands over his shield. Frank reminds him that he said he wanted to retire honourably: he just did.

At the restaurant, Jamie and Eddie are eating with Kara: she has stitches and feels still a little bit of pain, but she can live with it. Eddie admits that, while she still cannot completely agree with Walsh for what she did to Cutter, she now understands how much brave she is and asks her forgiveness. Jamie and Eddie easily begin picking at each other, until a new beer arrives. Reynolds and the other officers bought Kara another drink as atone for their treatment of her.

Cast & Characters


Also Starring

Guest Starring

Special Appearance by


  • Bernardo Cubria as Uniform
  • Julia Tokarz as Waitress
  • Jake Eavey as Perp #2
  • Frank Alfano Jr. as Perp #3
  • Nick Giangiulio as Sergeant



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Notes & Trivia

  • The DVD contains a deleted scene for this episode.


Season 5 Episodes
"Partners" "Forgive and Forget" "Burning Bridges" "Excessive Force" "Loose Lips" "Most Wanted" "Shoot the Messenger" "Power of the Press" "Under the Gun" "Sins of the Father" "Baggage" "Home Sweet Home" "Love Stories" "The Poor Door" "Power Players" "In The Box" "Occupational Hazards" "Bad Company" "Through the Looking Glass" "Payback" "New Rules" "The Art of War"