Blue Bloods Wiki

"Family Business" is the first episode of the third season of Blue Bloods


Daniel Reagan becomes concerned when he is contacted by Benjamin Walker, whom Danny sent to prison years ago. Danny begins investigating as he believes Walker wants revenge. He is soon proven correct when Walker kidnaps Jackie Curatola and wants to arrange a swap.

Meanwhile, Jameson Reagan meets his new partner, Vincent Cruz, and they don't make the best first impressions. Their first call is in response to a gun and leads to a fellow officer, Blake, mistakenly shooting an unarmed civilian.

Francis Xavier Reagan speaks with Blake, who is remorseful, before publicly apologizing to the family which causes backlash within the department. Things escalate when it only serves to increase Blake's distress and Frank decides that it is his job to untangle the mess.


Detailed recap of the episode which contains MAJOR SPOILERS.
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Cast & Characters


Also Starring

Guest Starring


  • Marcella Lowery as Mrs. Greer
  • Kristen Adele as Greer's Daughter
  • James Ciccone as Super
  • Michael Gibson as Jack
  • Christopher Domig as Charles Zappa
  • Brian D. Coats as Dispatcher

Notes & Trivia

  • The DVD contains deleted scenes for this episode.


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Season 3 Episodes
"Family Business" "Domestic Disturbance" "Old Wounds" "Scorched Earth" "Risk and Reward" "Greener Grass" "Nightmares" "Higher Education" "Secrets and Lies" "Fathers and Sons" "Front Page News" "Framed" "Inside Jobs" "Men in Black" "Warriors" "Quid Pro Quo" "Protest Too Much" "No Regrets" "Loss of Faith" "Ends and Means" "Devil's Breath" "The Bitter End" "This Way Out"