"Exiles" is the twenty second episode of the fourth season of Blue Bloods.
When Danny is placed on modified duty after investigating a case that was off-limits, he realizes he stumbled upon something that someone is trying to keep quiet. When he passes the tip on to his father, Frank is alarmed when he learns the enormity of this case and the internal involvement.
Detailed recap of the episode which contains MAJOR SPOILERS. |
After putting out a cigarette in her coffee, a woman commits suicide by jumping off her penthouse apartment, landing on a taxi below. Eddie and Jamie respond to a domestic dispute, where a young, Middle Eastern man is attacked by an older White man, who is struck many times by a young woman with a broom handle. After the officers break up the fight, the old man, Bartosz Mazurszki, accuses the young man (a Syrian visa student) of paying his daughter, Kasia, to marry him, because he does not want to leave the United States. Eddie is having none of it, and asks Mr. Mazurski to walk away. Kasia then explains that the young man, Baltazar, needs to be married by the end of Friday because his visa expires Sunday, and is certain that he will be deported. Jamie tells them that the NYPD has no authority over immigration and marital status, but Eddie hands them her card. The officers walk away feeling awful. Frank practices his speech for the graduation ceremony at the academy. Both Detective Baker and DCPI Garrett Moore are mortified by its pessimistic tone. They offer Frank advice on improving the speech, but Frank discards his speech, and dismisses them. At the apartment, its doorman, Sergio, gives Danny and Baez information on the deceased, Ms. Clayton. He recalls that despite rarely being there, Ms. Clayton knew the staff at the apartment by name. He also states that he has already provided information to detectives already in the apartment. Inside Ms. Clayton’s apartment, Detective Walt Finney, a member of DA’s investigation squad, claims jurisdiction over the case (alongside Detective Bangs). After Walt exchanges unflattering remarks with Danny, he explains that the deceased is “an asset” in a DA investigation. Baez uses the washroom before leaving. As the detectives leave, Baez reveals to Danny something found behind the toilet: a pinhole camera. Danny suggests this may be some sort of sting operation. Baez describes Finney as someone “you want around when you don’t want to get your hands dirty”. The top brass of the NYPD has a meeting at 1PP. Chief of Department Dino Abrogast provides details on the suicide case. Initially, he simply summarizes it as “a personal tragedy”, and only elaborates when the PC and Garrett push him. He says that the deceased, Ilene Clayton, is a confidential informant of a Manhattan DA investigation into a prostitution ring. The PC orders the Chief to find out more information about her, because the former believes that a suicide raises many questions directed to the police. Danny and Baez go through the record on Clayton in their precinct. Danny notes that, based on the record, the Manhattan DA dropped all charges against her for promoting prostitution. While Baez sees nothing special, Danny goes on and notices the same charges against her in New Jersey, but did not serve any time. Gormley comes in, and orders them to stop the investigation, as per 1PP. Danny goes find his sister outside the courthouse, and asks her about the Clayton case. Erin answers him with official statements, and says the NYPD would have stonewalled the DA if it were the other way around . Danny then has to repair his car, which tires have been slashed. In their car, Detectives Finney and Bangs approach Danny, and make light of his situation. Because Danny’s car is the only one in the lot to have its tires slashed, he believes this is Finney’s work. After more trash-talking, Danny and Finney almost fight each other, but Bangs restrains Finney by keeping him in the car, and drives away. Back at his precinct, Danny is summoned into Gormley’s office, telling him that the DA filed a complaint against him for harassing its investigators. As it was filed to 1PP, Gormley does not have the details of the complaint. While Danny claims he is being railroaded, Gormley asks for his gun and shield, and places him on modified assignment. Danny complies. Erin goes to DA Amanda Harris’ office, asking her if she has knowledge about the complaint against Danny. Amanda replies that she filed it, for interfering with an ongoing DA investigation (by asking Erin about the case), and verbally abusing its investigators. While Amanda says she understands whie this is against Erin’s brother, boundaries between work and family need to be observed. Amanda asks Erin to have lunch, who initially declines, but goes after the former agrees to give details about the investigation. Frank goes to Chief Abrogast’s office, and thanks him for not notifying the PC about the complaint to Danny. At first, the Chief tries to apologize, but his boss says he means it, because the Chief is the first person at 1PP to respect the PC’s wishes in regards to his sons. The PC then asks about the suicide case, and the Chiefs says that the suicide is unrelated to the DA’s sting operation (which is in cooperation with Essex County’s Prosecutor's Office). He speculates that the sting operation is related to a prostitution ring (based on Clayton’s record in New Jersey), but does not know the scope and length of it. Frank does not see the value and purpose of catching johns using this method. Knowing his boss’s religious beliefs, this sentiment surprises Dino. Frank characterizes his attitude by quoting John 8:7 to describe his attitude, then asks Dino to keep him posted before walking out of his office. Jamie and Eddie discuss their happy hour plans after their tour ended. Kasia nervously comes into the precinct to find them. She accuses her father of hiding her identification papers, something Citizenship and Immigration Services requires before approving her marriage with Baltazar. She is certain that her father has the papers, because she gave it to him for “safekeeping”, but now will not return them, knowing of her intention to get married. After confirming that she is over 18 years old, Jamie tells Kasia that the papers are legally hers, but needs to press charges against her father in order to receive their help. She is disturbed by having to get her father arrested. Baez calls Danny’s cell phone, and asks him to come to Puddings (64th and First), because she found Sergio, who wishes to talk to them. When Danny arrives, officers are taking Sergio into custody, as per the Warrant Squad. But before the officers arrived, he told Baez that three girls used the apartment, two nights each week, and they buzzed various men through the service entrance. She is able to get Sergio to talk, using the fact that there are two outstanding warrants against him in Florida (but he does not know that he will not be sent there). Knowing that the Warrant Squad is aware of that as well, Danny believes that someone in the NYPD is trying to keep him quiet. He immediately calls the PC’s cell phone, providing him with “an anonymous tip”. Frank catches the Inspector General Kelly Peterson on her way home. He asks her for a favour: use her connection at the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office to look into the Manhattan DA’s prostitution investigation. Specifically, he wants to know Ilene Clayton’s clientele. Kelly then asks whether Frank is one of the clients (which he denies), and why he still has a ring on his finger. She offers some advice on his personal life before heading home. Jamie and Eddie discuss Kasia’s situation during their tour. Eddie expresses her sympathy for Kasia, blaming conservative Polish culture for preventing Kasis from being able to marry her true love. While somewhat sympathetic, Jamie believes something weird is going on because of their appearance. Eddie criticizes him for being “traditional” and calls Kasia (who she was texting with the night before). Amanda enters Erin’s office, who wants to discuss the sting operation. Erin describes the sting operation not as an investigation, but as “a hunting license”, highlighting that during this four-month sting operation, Amanda applied warrants at 30-day intervals to four different judges (who do not know about the previous warrants). Amanda justifies an effort “to protect the integrity of the investigation”, preventing a judge from leaking the content (to the targets) if they find the scope too large. Amanda reiterates the confidential nature of this operation, and reminds Erin (who is allowed to have knowledge of it) not to discuss its content with anyone. This infuriates Erin, as Amanda takes a phone call and leaves Erin’s office. Jamie and Eddie come to arrest Bartosz. Facing various charges, they give him a final chance to give Kasia back her papers. Bartosz is furious, as he sees this as his daughter sending his father to jail over wanting to marry an Arab. But he gives up, and asks Jamie to uncuff him, allowing him to take Kasia’s papers out of his shoe. Kasia is overwhelmed with joy upon receiving the papers, but is also heartbroken by his father disowning her. Eddie comforts Kasia by embracing her, as Jamie looks on. Frank visits Kelly’s home in the evening. She hands him an unopened envelope that contains a disk. She also informs him of her intention to resign as Inspector General of the NYPD on Monday, because she believes the position required an adversarial (or at least neutral) attitude towards the NYPD and its Commissioner. But she believes she has become too close to Frank. They shake hands before parting ways. At the Commissioner’s Office, Frank plays to Dino a video of the latter having an intimate moment with a prostitute. Being too embarrassed to watch, Dino asks the video to be stopped. Dino confesses that the prostitute was originally “a thank you gift” for assisting New York County DA Amanda Harris, in a sting operation against New York House Assembly Speaker Sammy Gold (who resigned three months ago for “health reasons”). But the DA continued the operation, and now has other high-profiled men on tape, including the NYPD Chief of Department. He says after Clayton’s suicide (who Dino believes to be her way of ending the sting operation), Amanda blackmailed her into sideling Danny. Frank then orders Danny (whose duty has been restored by the PC) into the office, who also orders Dino to have his statement taken by Danny, and resign afterwards. Dino apologizes (who Frank does not accept), and salutes the PC. Frank opens the door to the meeting room, and orders Detective Reagan to take Dino’s (as Danny now calls him) statement. Erin goes to Amanda’s office, and informs her that someone leaked to Frank a video of Dino Abrogast (who gave a statement implicating Amanda in a blackmail scheme relating to the sting operation), as well as filing a complaint to the grievance committee for her abuse of power. Amanda goes into a tirade about the naivety of Erin over her action. Just off work, Jamie and Eddie discuss happy hour plans outside of their precinct. Kasia and Baltazar, who are now married, come to them. Kasia credits Eddie for making this possible, and Baltazar does not know how to thank them. Jamie says he can thank him by telling the truth. They comes clean, telling Jamie that Baltazar is gay. Because pictures of him posted on Facebook expose his sexual orientation to the world, he believes returning to Syria will put his life in danger. Kasia adds there is no better reason for her to get married: to save a life. The new couples then invite Jamie and Eddie to their wedding celebration. Jamie initially politely declines, but even accepts after Eddie insists. At Sunday dinner (with everyone dressed appropriately for the academy graduation ceremony), Linda volunteers to say grace, but asks everyone to hold hands at the same time. Although Frank wants to practice his speech in front of his family, they comically recite his favourite cliches. At the ceremony, Frank gives a speech to the graduates (with his family at the audience). While this is going on, Dino burns the uniform he once wore, and Detectives and Bangs arrest Amanda at her office, taking away her computers as evidence. Frank concludes the speech by wishing the graduates “Godspeed”.
Cast & Characters
In credits order
- Donnie Wahlberg as Danny Reagan
- Bridget Moynahan as Erin Reagan
- Will Estes as Jamie Reagan
- Len Cariou as Henry Reagan
- Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan
Also Starring
Guest Starring
- Gregory Jbara as Garrett Moore
- Vanessa Ray as Eddie Janko
- John Ventimiglia as Dino Arbogast
- Glenn Fleshler as Det. Walt Finney
- Robert Clohessy as Sid Gormley
- Jen Ponton as Kasia Mazurski
- Walid Amini as Baltazar Aboud
- Tony Terraciano as Jack Reagan
- Andrew Terraciano as Sean Reagan
- Abigail Hawk as Abigail Baker
- Demosthenes Chrysan as Bartosz Mazurski
- Amy Morton as Amanda Harris
- Bebe Neuwirth as Kelly Peterson
- Brian Roland as Richard
- Robert G. McKay as Bangs
- Joe Perrino as Doorman Sergio
- Edvin Ortega as Uniform #1
- Jessica Perez as Melissa Galsillo
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Notes & Trivia
- The DVD contains deleted scenes for this episode.
Season 4 Episodes |
"Unwritten Rules" • "The City That Never Sleeps" • "To Protect and Serve" • "The Truth About Lying" • "Lost and Found" • "Growing Boys" • "Drawing Dead" • "Justice Served" • "Bad Blood" • "Mistaken Identity" • "Ties That Bind" • "The Bogeyman" • "Unfinished Business" • "Manhattan Queens" • "Open Secrets" • "Insult to Injury" • "Knockout Game" • "Righting Wrongs" • "Secret Arrangements" • "Custody Battle" • "Above and Beyond" • "Exiles" |