Blue Bloods Wiki

Erin Reagan (formerly Erin Reagan-Boyle) is the sole daughter of Francis and Mary Reagan, and the second oldest of four. She is the Bureau Chief of the Trial Bureau[2] in the New York County District Attorney's Office. Although she technically works for the same side as the rest of the family, her strict adherence to the letter of the law and some of her assignments sometimes causes strife in the family. As of 2010, she is divorced from Jack Boyle and the couple have one daughter, Nicole Reagan-Boyle. In the final episode, Erin and Jack reconcile and plan to remarry.


As the second child and only female in the family, Erin often found herself seated between her brothers and acting as a mediator. On several occasions she and her brother, Daniel Reagan had memorable fights, unable to peacefully share a room. After becoming a teenager, she developed a bit of a stubborn wild streak, leading to one situation where she started a petition at school to allow girls on the boys' soccer team, along with another situation where she ran away for two days (to Henry's house). At one point she revealed her first kiss was with Ronnie McCleary, their neighbor. While she did get in legal trouble, it was minor. She received a speeding ticket and was held overnight at jail for "doing just about everything you’re not allowed to do on a public beach at night." Frank uses her exploits to help Erin put Nicky’s actions into perspective.

Erin attended Columbia University and graduated top of her class, after which, she attended the Fordham University School of Law. At one point she wanted to take the police exam, however Frank never forced her to join the force, an action he later regretted.[3]

When she was nineteen years old, she met Jack Boyle. She married him at Morgan Hall, a place she considered bad luck after she divorced Jack. Though she is now single, she states that "The only time I felt lonely is when I was married to [Nicky's] father."

Initially, Jack refused sign the divorce papers. When he finally did sign, he gave sole custody of Nicky to Erin. They had a brief fling after Erin was shot by a defendant, but she ended it before it became serious, not wanting to hurt Nicky. Although she is open to dating, she had very few romantic interests since her divorce with Jack.

In the series finale, “End of Tour”, Erin and Jack agree to get remarried at New York City Hall and say they will tell everyone about their remarriage after the fact. At the end of the episode, they prepare to make their announcement, thus insinuating they were remarried by that point.

While she was attracted to Charles Rossellini, she wasn't interested in sleeping with her boss, or opening herself to the political fallout if he were elected Mayor of New York City. She agreed to go out for drinks with him once which led to a kiss. Later, while trying to expand Nicky's interests, she met Jacob Krystal at an art gallery. Despite her attraction to him, she tried to keep her distance from him, especially when she learned he was a person of interest in several art heists. He later left the city without letting her know.

Having had no substantial dates in some time, Erin was tricked into speed dating after losing a race to Linda Reagan. She met Robert McCoy at the speed dating event. Robert McCoy failed to make an impression on her, until he showed up in her office as the defense attorney for a client she was prosecuting. They began dating, but she almost ended their relationship when he was appointed interim District Attorney of New York County, because she didn’t like the idea of sleeping with her boss. When McCoy was appointed interim District Attorney of New York County, she told him that she had made it this far in her career without sleeping with her boss and she wasn't about to start now. When Frank found out about their relationship, he strongly disapproved of it. However, Erin didn't end the relationship until finding out McCoy was trying to bury a case for a friend. When Erin became aware of Nicky dating a police officer, Erin mentioned she never dated a police officer.

Erin is a skilled prosecutor who puts her heart and soul into her cases. She is often disappointed if she loses a case, especially if a defendant she unsuccessfully prosecutes later commits another crime. However, this is also because she is a sore loser. This is shown when she did not accept Jack only wanting to be with her and not marrying her, because he knew the humiliation and scrutiny she would face from her family if he married her. Erin rarely considers stretching the rules to gain evidence for a case, putting her at odds with Danny often. The majority of their arguments occur when Danny interferes with a lineup to close a case.

During certain instances, Erin's cases have impacted her on a personal level--the first being when Richard Reid was released from prison and attacked her, intending to torture and rape her. Frank saved her when he came to her office to see why she was late for a meeting with him, ultimately shooting Reid.

The second instance was when a defendant, Raul Delgado, stole a court officer’s firearm, taking everyone in the courtroom hostage. Delgado tried to use Erin as leverage to escape the United States, however Danny shot Delgado after using the phrase, "please don’t hurt my family" (Reagan code for "hit the ground").

The third instance was when Erin began noticing objects in her apartment out of place or rearranged. She reported these instances to the NYPD. Though he was annoyed at first, Danny investigated her claims and discovered a woman breaking into her apartment, causing him to assign Erin a protective detail. Erin's protective detail was useful during an instance where she was followed by a few members of a biker gang. The members of the biker gang intended to cause harm to Erin to disband their rivals, the leader of which Erin was prosecuting.

Perhaps due to the incident with Reid, Erin keeps a firearm in her desk drawer. She is an excellent shot, better than her brothers on the shooting range. Additionally, she has been shown to be better at pool, much to her brother, Jameson Reagan's, chagrin.


Erin worked as a cocktail waitress for one of her first jobs, but lied to her parents and told them it was a roller skating rink job.

She has been with the New York County District Attorney's Office for many years. Erin was promoted to Assistant District Attorney between late 2008 and early 2009. Since her promotion to Assistant District Attorney, she has been promoted from Senior Counsel to Deputy Bureau Chief of the Trial Bureau. She currently serves as the Bureau Chief of the Trial Bureau. Erin typically does not prosecute crimes of a sexual nature. Certain prosecution cases are kept off of her desk due to her family, although she was pressured into taking a prosecution case against officers to appear impartial. Since becoming an Assistant District Attorney, Erin has the authority to investigate cases. When Erin gained this authority, she began partnering with investigators in the New York County District Attorney's Office to aid her in prosecution cases. At first, she worked with Investigator Alex McBride. Currently, she works with Investigator Anthony Abetemarco.

Over several years, Erin has received several job offers for private firms and been considered for other positions, such as Deputy Mayor of Operations and a judgeship. Despite these job offerings, Erin enjoys the work she does and remains an Assistant District Attorney in the New York County District Attorney's Office.


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Season One
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
""Officer Down""
Episode 5:
"What You See"
Episode 6:
"Smack Attack"
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
"After Hours"
Episode 11:
"Little Fish"
Episode 12:
"Family Ties"
Episode 13:
"Hall of Mirrors"
Episode 14:
"My Funny Valentine"
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
"Age of Innocence"
Episode 17:
"Silver Star"
Episode 18:
"To Tell the Truth"
Episode 19:
"Model Behavior"
Episode 20:
"All That Glitters"
Episode 21:
"Cellar Boy"
Episode 22:
"The Blue Templar"
Season Two
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
"Friendly Fire"
Episode 3:
"Critical Condition"
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
"A Night on the Town"
Episode 6:
"Black and Blue"
Episode 7:
"Lonely Hearts Club"
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
"Whistle Blower"
Episode 11:
"The Uniform"
Episode 12:
"The Job"
Episode 13:
"Leap of Faith"
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
"The Life We Chose"
Episode 16:
"Women With Guns"
Episode 17:
"Reagan Vs. Reagan"
Episode 18:
"No Questions Asked"
Episode 19:
"Some Kind of Hero"
Episode 20:
"Working Girls"
Episode 21:
"Collateral Damage"
Episode 22:
"Mother's Day"
Season Three
Episode 1:
"Family Business"
Episode 2:
"Domestic Disturbance"
Episode 3:
"Old Wounds"
Episode 4:
""Scorched Earth""
Episode 5:
"Risk and Reward"
Episode 6:
"Greener Grass"
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
"Higher Education"
Episode 9:
"Secrets and Lies"
Episode 10:
"Fathers and Sons"
Episode 11:
"Front Page News"
Episode 12:
Episode 13:
"Inside Jobs"
Episode 14:
"Men in Black"
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
"Quid Pro Quo"
Episode 17:
"Protest Too Much"
Episode 18:
"No Regrets"
Episode 19:
"Loss of Faith"
Episode 20:
"Ends and Means"
Episode 21:
"Devil's Breath"
Episode 22:
"The Bitter End"
Episode 23:
"This Way Out"
Season Four
Episode 1:
"Unwritten Rules"
Episode 2:
"The City That Never Sleeps"
Episode 3:
"To Protect and Serve"
Episode 4:
""The Truth About Lying""
Episode 5:
"Lost and Found"
Episode 6:
"Growing Boys"
Episode 7:
"Drawing Dead"
Episode 8:
"Justice Served"
Episode 9:
"Bad Blood"
Episode 10:
"Mistaken Identity"
Episode 11:
"Ties That Bind"
Episode 12:
"The Bogeyman"
Episode 13:
"Unfinished Business"
Episode 14:
"Manhattan Queens"
Episode 15:
"Open Secrets"
Episode 16:
"Insult to Injury"
Episode 17:
"Knockout Game"
Episode 18:
"Righting Wrongs"
Episode 19:
"Secret Arrangements"
Episode 20:
"Custody Battle"
Episode 21:
"Above and Beyond"
Episode 22:
Season Five
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
"Forgive and Forget"
Episode 3:
"Burning Bridges"
Episode 4:
""Excessive Force""
Episode 5:
"Loose Lips"
Episode 6:
"Most Wanted"
Episode 7:
"Shoot the Messenger"
Episode 8:
"Power of the Press"
Episode 9:
"Under the Gun"
Episode 10:
"Sins of the Father"
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
"Home Sweet Home"
Episode 13:
"Love Stories"
Episode 14:
"The Poor Door"
Episode 15:
"Power Players"
Episode 16:
"In The Box"
Episode 17:
"Occupational Hazards"
Episode 18:
"Bad Company"
Episode 19:
"Through the Looking Glass"
Episode 20:
Episode 21:
"New Rules"
Episode 22:
"The Art of War"



Notes & Trivia[]

  • Her name is originated from the expression "Erin go bragh". It is most often translated as "Ireland Forever."[4]


  1. Season 3, Episode 16: "Quid Pro Quo"
  2. Season 9, Episode 1: "Playing With Fire"
  3. Season 8, Episode 12: "The Brave"
  4. Season 12, Episode 16: "Guilt"