Edit "Eddie" Marie Janko-Reagan is a Police Officer in the New York City Police Department. She serves at the 29th Precinct. The week after her graduation from the academy in 2013, she was partnered with Jameson Reagan in the 12th Precinct. When Jameson Reagan was promoted to sergeant, she was transferred to the 29th Precinct at the request of Sergeant Reagan.
After being married, she tried hyphenating her name before deciding to be Officer Janko at work and Mrs. Reagan at home. The final episode reveals she and Jaime are expecting their first child.
Admittedly a sheltered and happy child, Eddie is of mixed Hungarian and Serbian descent, and speaks Serbian fluently due to her mother. Growing up, her father’s occupation as a financial advisor meant her family was affluent. An example of their affluent status was Eddie's high school graduation present, a Porsche. When it was revealed the company her father worked for was a Ponzi scheme, crippling numerous people financially, Eddie became angry at her father and ceased contact with him for several years after his conviction. While her father was being held at Fort Dix Federal Penitentiary, he was attacked by corrupt correctional officers and beaten to a point where he was transported to a hospital. Once her father agreed to testify against them, Eddie was willing to try to repair her relationship with her father.
In 2013, Eddie goes on a date which ends badly. After obtaining drinks with a guy from her yoga class, he walks her home. When they arrive at her apartment he wants to enter it, and she does not give him consent. He proceeds to push her inside of the apartment and slams her into a lamp. The next day Jamie visits her apartment and asks Eddie to open the door, because he feels something isn't right. When Eddie opens the door Jamie asks what happened. Eddie responds to him by lying she had a car accident. Jamie doesn't believe her. The following day, Jamie obtains the guy's phone number from Eddie's phone and writes it down. When he looks up the criminal record of the guy, he discovers the guy has been charged with first degree rape.[3]
In one case, she reconnects with her old friend Traci but the latter comes under suspicion of being connected to a drug ring ran out of her restaurant. Eddie expressed doubts to Jaime though decides to take part in the raid but Traci was not found. Eddie believed she fled until Traci arrived to see her, as Jaime reveals Eddie was right that she was innocent as evidence confirmed it and the two reconnect with Jaime joining in.
Eddie's career in the NYPD started dramatically with the death of a fellow officer, Vincent Cruz. Shortly after, she was in an extremely stressful situation when a suspect she chased attempted to strike her with a pipe. During her recitation of the resulting arrest, she was shown to have a critical fact wrong, although she refused to change her testimony, believing her testimony to be correct. While she was not fully correct, she kept her job when the investigation concluded the adrenaline and stress from the situation affected her memory of the incident, tricking her mind into believing her version of the story.
At one point she was temporarily assigned to a different police officer. This was for Jamie to ride with Officer Kara Walsh. Eddie believed Officer Walsh betrayed her previous partner, Officer Randy Cutter. When Eddie discovered Jamie's plan to ride with Officer Walsh, she was infuriated at Jamie. Later, after Officer Walsh was shot while saving Eddie, Eddie changed her perspective of Officer Walsh. Eddie viewed her as a good officer who was in a bad situation.
In Loose Lips, Eddie is partnered with Jamie again. They faced a new threat when Jamie was attacked by a murder victim’s jealous ex-boyfriend. When the ex-boyfriend and Eddie came face to face in the precinct, Eddie lost her cool. Her comments towards him made her the target of an abduction, although she was rescued due to the combined efforts of Detective Reagan, Officer Reagan and Detective Baez.
In Power Players, a civilian patrolman's interference in a situation results in her killing a cornered suspect. Though not her first shooting as an officer, the loss of life at her hands affects Eddie, causing her to lose her temper. Eddie blames Andy Fisher, the civilian patrolman for the death of the suspect. Eddie ends up going home sick when the situation overwhelms her. Jamie visits her, giving her the support and comfort she needed.
In Occupational Hazards, Eddie tries to help an elderly woman remember details about a potential bomber before he can strike.
In Bad Company, due to her age and fluency in Serbian, Detective Reagan and Detective Baez ask Eddie to help them with a case involving missing Serbian girls by going undercover. Although Jamie is not happy with her decision to accept the assignment, he ends up giving her the best advice because of his own experience undercover.
In All the News That's Fit to Click, a reporter riding along with Eddie and Jamie is shot and withholds information about the shooter from them. Eddie and Jamie approach the reporter off-duty, attempting to obtain the full story of the incident to no avail. Eddie and Jamie are left frustrated when the reporter is more interested in their story than finding the shooter.
In With Friends Like These, Eddie and Jamie discover not all victims are easily helped. They discover this when a mentally unstable woman, Jenny Strong ends up on their radar and their efforts to additionally help her are largely fruitless.
In Rush to Judgment, Jamie is accused of police brutality during a demonstration. Eddie is unable to provide testimony which will exonerate Jamie while remaining truthful. Jamie accuses Eddie of stressing their relationship. Eddie and Jamie later forgive each other.
In The Bullitt Mustang, Jamie almost starts a war between the NYPD and the DANY when Eddie is charged with misconduct over making a few parking tickets disappear for an elderly neighbor.
In one episode, Eddie becomes overly excited by the prospect of doing detective work and ignores a 10-13 call. Jamie snaps at her, feeling she is damaging their trust.
After Jamie was promoted to sergeant, Eddie followed him to the 29th Precinct. Though she did not intend to follow him at first. She transferred to the 29th Precinct seeking to find her identity. In the 29th Precinctshe was assigned to Maya Thomas. While at the 29th Precinct, she attempted to conceal her engagement between Jamie as best as she could. Typically one half of a dating or married couple would be reassigned to a new precinct, however Eddie and Jamie found a loophole in the NYPD Patrol Guide. The NYPD Patrol Guide did not specifically state dating or married couples have to be assigned to separate precincts.
- Officer Jameson Reagan - partner from September 2013 (Season 4, Episode 1) until October 2018 (Season 9, Episode 2)
- Officer Maya Thomas - partner from November 2018 (Season 9, Episode 6) until March 2019 (Season 9, Episode 17)
- Officer Tim Welch - partner from March 2017 (Season 7, Episode 18) until April 2017 (Season 7)
- Officer Rachel Witten - partner from April 2019 (Season 9, Episode 18) until October 2021 (Season 12, Episode 4)
- Officer Luis Badillo - partner from November 2021 (Season 12, Episode 6) until December 2024 (Season 14, Episode 18)
Eddie and Jamie have always shown signs of attraction to one another. Initially they did not pursue a relationship outside of work, even after a night of drinking resulted in a kiss between them both. Regardless of their effort to keep a strict working relationship, many of their fellow officers and Jamie'sfamily thought they were sleeping together. Eddie and Jamie were questioned on the nature of their relationship several times.
From season four to season eight, Eddie dated frequently. Early in her partnership with Jamie, Eddie ended up on a date with a man who sexually assaulted her. Unwilling to be seen as a victim in her own precinct, she refused to report it. Later, she decided to report the incident following Jamie's advice and expressed gratitude towards him for encouraging her to do so.
In season seven and eight, Eddie visits Jamie's apartment and confesses she is jealous and has feelings for him. He admits he has feelings for her too. Although they agreed feelings may damage a partnership between two officers, and neither of them wanted their working relationship to be damaged.
After a near-fatal shootout, Eddie and Jamie decide to become engaged after Jamie is nearly assassinated. After becoming engaged, they had to convince everyone they could work together, which doesn't turn out well for them as hoped. However, a loophole in the NYPD Patrol Guide allows them to remain at the same precinct, just not as partners.
Involved Shootings[]
- Season 5, Episode 15 - Officer Janko shot an armed man when he pointed his firearm at her.
- Season 7, Episode 13 - Officer Janko shot an armed female robber.
- Season 8, Episode 18 - Officer Janko exchanged fire with an armed suspect, resulting in her being shot in her vest.
- Season 8, Episode 22 - Officer Janko shot a hitman in the back of the head, saving Officer Reaganfrom potential death.
- Season 12, Episode 5 -Officer Janko shot a drug dealer named Barry Trask, who kidnapped her father Armin Janko to try and get him to launder money for him, she was assisted by her husband Jameson Reagan, who also shot Mr. Trask, saving the life of Armin Janko.
Citation Bars |
![]() American Flag Breast Bar
![]() Excellent Police Duty Breast Bar |
Feisty, independent and difficult to offend, Eddie is passionate about what she believes and far more hot-tempered than Jamie. On the job, she usually sees things in an ‘Us vs. Them’ way, but is open to hearing Jamie’s more neutral assessment, even if she disagrees with it. Her massive appetite is the source of much ribbing from Jamie, especially due to her love of fried food and all-you-can-eat nights.
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Notes & Trivia[]
Shield Number: 68921
Season Four | ||||
Episode 1: "Unwritten Rules" |
Episode 2: "The City That Never Sleeps" |
Episode 3: "To Protect and Serve" |
Episode 4: ""The Truth About Lying"" |
Episode 5: "Lost and Found" |
Episode 6: "Growing Boys" |
Episode 7: "Drawing Dead" |
Episode 8: "Justice Served" |
Episode 9: |
Episode 10: "Mistaken Identity" |
Episode 11: |
Episode 12: "The Bogeyman" |
Episode 13: |
Episode 14: |
Episode 15: |
Episode 16: "Insult to Injury" |
Episode 17: |
Episode 18: "Righting Wrongs" |
Episode 19: "Secret Arrangements" |
Episode 20: "Custody Battle" |
Episode 21: "Above and Beyond" |
Episode 22: "Exiles" |
Season Five | ||||
Episode 1: "Partners" |
Episode 2: "Forgive and Forget" |
Episode 3: "Burning Bridges" |
Episode 4: ""Excessive Force"" |
Episode 5: "Loose Lips" |
Episode 6: "Most Wanted" |
Episode 7: "Shoot the Messenger" |
Episode 8: |
Episode 9: |
Episode 10: "Sins of the Father" |
Episode 11: "Baggage" |
Episode 12: "Home Sweet Home" |
Episode 13: |
Episode 14: "The Poor Door" |
Episode 15: "Power Players" |
Episode 16: "In The Box" |
Episode 17: "Occupational Hazards" |
Episode 18: "Bad Company" |
Episode 19: |
Episode 20: "Payback" |
Episode 21: "New Rules" |
Episode 22: "The Art of War" |
Season Six | ||||
Episode 1: "Worst Case Scenario" |
Episode 2: "Absolute Power" |
Episode 3: "All the News That's Fit to Click" |
Episode 4: ""With Friends Like These"" |
Episode 5: "Backstabbers" |
Episode 6: "Rush to Judgment" |
Episode 7: "The Bullitt Mustang" |
Episode 8: "Unsung Heroes" |
Episode 9: "Hold Outs" |
Episode 10: "Flags of Our Fathers" |
Episode 11: "Back in the Day" |
Episode 12: "Cursed" |
Episode 13: "Stomping Grounds" |
Episode 14: "The Road to Hell" |
Episode 15: "Fresh Start" |
Episode 16: "Help Me Help You" |
Episode 17: "Friends in Need" |
Episode 18: "Town Without Pity" |
Episode 19: "Blast from the Past" |
Episode 20: "Down the Rabbit Hole" |
Episode 21: |
Episode 22: "Blowback" |
Season Seven | ||||
Episode 1: "The Greater Good" |
Episode 2: "Good Cop Bad Cop" |
Episode 3: "The Price of Justice" |
Episode 4: ""Mob Rules"" |
Episode 5: "For the Community" |
Episode 6: |
Episode 7: "Guilt by Association" |
Episode 8: "Personal Business" |
Episode 9: "Confessions" |
Episode 10: "Unbearable Loss" |
Episode 11: "Genetics" |
Episode 12: "Not Fade Away" |
Episode 13: "The One That Got Away" |
Episode 14: "In and Out" |
Episode 15: "Lost Souls" |
Episode 16: "Hard Bargain" |
Episode 17: "Shadow of a Doubt" |
Episode 18: "A Deep Blue Goodbye" |
Episode 19: |
Episode 20: |
Episode 21: |
Episode 22: |
Season Eight | ||||
Episode 1: "Cutting Losses" |
Episode 2: "Ghosts of the Past" |
Episode 3: |
Episode 4: |
Episode 5: "The Forgotten" |
Episode 6: "Brushed Off" |
Episode 7: "Common Ground" |
Episode 8: "Pick Your Poison" |
Episode 9: "Pain Killers" |
Episode 10: "Heavy is the Head" |
Episode 11: "Second Chances" |
Episode 12: "The Brave" |
Episode 13: "Erasing History" |
Episode 14: |
Episode 15: |
Episode 16: "Tale of Two Cities" |
Episode 17: "Close Calls" |
Episode 18: "Friendship, Love, and Loyalty" |
Episode 19: "Risk Management" |
Episode 20: "Your Six" |
Episode 21: "The Devil You Know" |
Episode 22: "My Aim is True" |
Season Nine | ||||
Episode 1: "Playing With Fire" |
Episode 2: "Meet the New Boss" |
Episode 3: "Mind Games" |
Episode 4: ""Blackout"" |
Episode 5: "Thicker Than Water" |
Episode 6: "Trust" |
Episode 7: "By Hook Or By Crook" |
Episode 8: "Stirring the Pot" |
Episode 9: "Handcuffs" |
Episode 10: "Authority Figures" |
Episode 11: "Disrupted" |
Episode 12: "Milestones" |
Episode 13: "Ripple Effect" |
Episode 14: "My Brother's Keeper" |
Episode 15: "Blues" |
Episode 16: "Past Tense" |
Episode 17: "Two-Faced" |
Episode 18: "Rectify" |
Episode 19: "Common Enemies" |
Episode 20: "Strange Bedfellows" |
Episode 21: "Identity" |
Episode 22: "Something Blue" |
Season Ten | ||||
Episode 1: "The Real Deal" |
Episode 2: "Naughty or Nice" |
Episode 3: "Behind the Smile" |
Episode 4: "Another Look" |
Episode 5: "The Price You Pay" |
Episode 6: "Glass Houses" |
Episode 7: "Higher Standards" |
Episode 8: "Friends in High Places" |
Episode 9: "Grave Errors" |
Episode 10: "Bones to Pick" |
Episode 11: "Careful What You Wish For" |
Episode 12: "Where the Truth Lies" |
Episode 13: "Reckless" |
Episode 14: "Fog of War" |
Episode 15: "Vested Interests" |
Episode 16: "The First 100 Days" |
Episode 17: "The Puzzle Palace" |
Episode 18: "Hide in Plain Sight" |
Episode 19: "Family Secrets" |
Season Eleven | ||||
Episode 1: "Triumph Over Trauma" |
Episode 2: "In the Name of the Father" |
Episode 3: "Atonement" |
Episode 4: "Redemption" |
Episode 5: "Spilling Secrets" |
Episode 6: "The New Normal" |
Episode 7: "In Too Deep" |
Episode 8: "More Than Meets the Eye" |
Episode 9: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" |
Episode 10: "The Common Good" |
Episode 11: "Guardian Angels" |
Episode 12: "Happy Endings" |
Episode 13: "Fallen Heroes" |
Episode 14: "The New You" |
Episode 15: "The End" |
Episode 16: "Justifies the Means" |
Season Twelve | ||||
Episode 1: "Hate is Hate" |
Episode 2: "Times Like These" |
Episode 3: "Protective Instincts" |
Episode 4: "True Blue" |
Episode 5: "Good Intentions" |
Episode 6: "Be Smart or Be Dead" |
Episode 7: "USA Today" |
Episode 8: "Reality Check" |
Episode 9: "Firewall" |
Episode 10: "Old Friends" |
Episode 11: "On the Arm" |
Episode 12: "The Reagan Way" |
Episode 13: "Cold Comfort" |
Episode 14: "Allegiance" |
Episode 15: "Where We Stand" |
Episode 16: "Guilt" |
Episode 17: "Hidden Motive" |
Episode 18: "Long Lost" |
Episode 19: "Tangled Up in Blue" |
Episode 20: "Silver Linings" |
Season Thirteen | ||||
Episode 1: "Keeping the Faith" |
Episode 2: "First Blush" |
Episode 3: "Ghosted" |
Episode 4: "Life During Wartime" |
Episode 5: "Homefront" |
Episode 6: "On Dangerous Ground" |
Episode 7: "Heroes" |
Episode 8: "Poetic Justice" |
Episode 9: "Nothing Sacred" |
Episode 10: "Fake It' Till You Make It" |
Episode 11: "Lost Ones" |
Episode 12: "The Big Leagues" |
Episode 13: "Past History" |
Episode 14: "Collision Course" |
Episode 15: "Close to Home" |
Episode 16: "The Naked Truth" |
Episode 17: "Smoke & Mirrors" |
Episode 18: "Family Matters" |
Episode 19: "Fire Drill" |
Episode 20: "Irish Exits" |
Episode 21: "Forgive Us Our Trespasses" |
Season Fourteen | ||||
Episode 1: "Loyalty" |
Episode 2: "Dropping Bombs" |
Episode 3: "Fear No Evil" |
Episode 4: "Past is Present" |
Episode 5: "Bad Faith" |
Episode 6: "Shadowland" |
Episode 7: "On the Ropes" |
Episode 8: "Wicked Games" |
Episode 9: "Two of a Kind" |
Episode 10: "The Heart of a Saturday Night" |
Episode 11: "Life Sentence" |
Episode 12: "Without Fear or Favor" |
Episode 13: "Bad to Worse" |
Episode 14: "New York Minute" |
Episode 15: "No Good Deed" |
Episode 16: "The Gray Areas" |
Episode 17: "Entitlement" |
Episode 18: "End of Tour" |
- ↑ Season 4, Episode 16: "Insult to Injury"
- ↑ Season 11, Episode 13: "Fallen Heroes"
- ↑ Season 4, Episode 8: "Justice Served"