Blue Bloods Wiki

The Patrol Services Bureau is one of the most visible units of the NYPD. The bureau plans, directs, and coordinates the department's uniformed officers in law enforcement patrol operations. Under the Chief of Patrol, there are eight borough commands, each headed by an assistant chief. While each of the boroughs has at least one patrol borough command, the boroughs of Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn have two commands due to their sizes. The borough commands exercise authority over the various seventy-seven police precincts.

Bureau of Patrol[]

  • Bureau Commanding Officers
    • Commanding Chief Officer in Charge of Patrol Services, Bureau Chief - (Unknown Name), (S0 E00) / (200? - Unknown)
    • Commanding Chief Officer in Charge of Patrol Services, Bureau Chief - Michael Jeffords, (S1 E02) / (2010 - Unknown)

Patrol Borough chiefs:[]

  • Patrol Borough Commanders
    • Manhattan South Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief - Vincent Russo, (S9 E04) / (0000 - 2018, Terminated)
    • Manhattan North Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief -
    • Brooklyn South Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief - Robert Winston, (S1 E12) / (2010 - 0000, Unknown)
    • Brooklyn North Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief - Craig Cornick, (S8 E16) / (0000 - 0000, Unknown)
  • Patrol Borough Commanders
    • Queens South Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief -
    • Queens North Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief -
    • Staten Island Patrol Borough Commander: Assistant Chief -
    • Unknown Patrol Borough Commander, Assistant Chief - (Name) Daniels, (Appeared in S5 E16
  • Chief of Unknown Command, Assistant Chief - (Name) Edwards, (Appeared in S8 E14)Chief of Unknown Command, Assistant Chief - (Name) Wallace, (Mentioned in S0 E00)
  • Deputy Commander of Manhattan South Operations Borough, Deputy Chief - (Name) Gibson, (Mentioned in S1 E10)
  • Deputy Commander of Manhattan South Operations Borough, Deputy Chief - (Name) Russo, (Mentioned in S1 E10)
  • Unknown Command
  • Unknown Command
    • Chief of Unknown Command, Deputy Chief - (Name) Clark, (S12 E04)
    • Chief of Unknown Command, Deputy Chief - Devin Jones, (S08 E8)

Precinct Leadership[]




Precinct Supervisors[]

Patrol Services[]

Police Officers:[]
